Ha! I’m not going to be late for this months Games with Gold overview! Oh no, this one’s coming out on the first, and it looks like another interesting enough month of games that I’ll likely consider playing but never get around to enjoying, because I never play anything anymore yet I still insist on covering these games because, well, if I don’t, a thousand gamerbro’s on YouTube certainly will.
Then again, they will anyway if I do write about it, so… fuck it, let’s get to the meat of the article — the video, and then my comments on the games.
On the Xbox One and Series X/S we have Warface: Breakout and Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse.
Warface: Breakout… oh boy, another online shooter. I’ll pass. The game may well be fun, and I may give it a try, but I am not a fan of most online gameplay. It just isn’t my thing, dealing with other random people just to play a game. The one exception has always been Titanfall and, to a lesser extent, Destiny, but otherwise I virtually never play games online — especially if they require cooperation with other people as a key part of the gameplay (read, Rainbow Six as an example.) It isn’t for me. Period.
As for Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse, that looks pretty badass. I love twin stick shooters, love mechs in any form, and such online co-op is more my style if, again, I choose to play online. I don’t have to, which gives this one a one-up for me.
In the Classic lineup we have Metal Slug 3 and Port Royale 3.
Metal Slug? Fuck yes. This is a classic Neo-Geo arcade series, one I remember well even if I wasn’t too good at it back in the day. I love that series (and really anything Neo-Geo) so this is one hell of a win to obtain. Yeah, I’ll be playing it for sure.
Lastly comes Port Royale 3. Hmn, a pirate themed strategy game? Okay, that’s cool — I can get into that. Don’t know anything else really about the series, let alone this title itself so, well, if it has my interest piqued perhaps it will be fun to get into. I’ve been looking for another niche title to obsess over, and this one might be it. Or it might suck. Who knows.
March isn’t looking too bad. Hell, maybe I’ll play something tonight, for once! Hah.
More to come, as always.