An Update On Every Single Project I’m Working On

Given the past year has been one of me heavily neglecting this site (give or take, anyway,) I thought it might be good to do, for those interested. an update entry every major project I’m working on, so, if you’ve been wondering, well, here’s your answer.

Right, no more fluff, let’s get right to it:

Angry Video Game Nerd Episode Reviews:
They are certainly returning soon. Nothing has changed about my review plans regarding the second half of the series; they have simply been neglected in the same way as the rest of this site.

Game Player’s Gametapes:
I need to get back into these and finish covering them. They made for good content to mix in when I was writing more regularly, which was nice, but I still covered them for the sake of it; something I’ll get back to soon.

Bits and Bytes:
While I completed series one years ago, I never did take a look at the second series. Only a few episodes of it have surfaced online, so any coverage I do will necessarily be incomplete, but I am hoping to get to that soon.

Computer Chronicles:
Same as the others — it’s still an active article series, but I’ve been preoccupied.

King of the Hill Episode Reviews:
This has been a big issue — these are entries I find hard to write not becuase of anything to do with the show itself but due to my nature of wanting to write a synopsys of the episode, as opposed to a more basic review. When you add in both my previous attempts I had been watching the show so steadily as to be “burnt out” on it, you can understand me taking a while to get entries out. They will return when I’m ready to write them.

Xadara Video Game Reviews are still happening. As with much of the above they simply went by the wayside as I scaled back my writing. I hope to bring them back sooner than the other projects, if possible, by the end of the month.

Project 21:
This project has been mentioned here, but not by any name and, in fact, the above name was given to it only because I wrote this entry and had to call it something. This has been what I’ve been working on for virtually all of 2021 and will take some explanation, but suffice it to say it’s been an awesome chance to create something unique. It is publicly active and used, but I’ve just not taken the time to write about it here. I can say this much — it does involve phones. 😉

And that’s that — a major update on every project that’s active. Of secondary note is the American Look At The BBC Computer Literacy Project series, which is mothballed until further notice, and has been for some time. It is in need of severe retooling if I ever make it happen which, quite honestly, I doubt it will at this stage.

That’s that. More to come, as always.

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