Today, December 21st, 2021, was the Winter Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere. This day, of course, marks the beginning of the season of Winter and is the shortest day of the year for this half of the planet.
For me, it’s a neat little day that happens to always acts as a harbinger of the hell that is the last minute holiday shopping rush that truly makes the upcoming week and a half an absolute nightmare.
That’s, not the point here. What I’m focusing on is the fact that 2021 is almost over and of course I’ve let this site stagnate. I’ve just continued to not feel like putting in the energy in it, instead focusing on other projects. Hell, the past few days I did some much needed maintenance of my BBS and have revived my Gopherspace (more on that later) on top of getting in some time gaming. Sure, it was Mega Man 4 on NES, but I actually spent time gaming! Amazing!
There are 10 days left in the year, and you know what I’m going to do with them? No, really, do you know, because I don’t, and I mean that in the “I’m not going to plan a damn thing” way. I may prepare some stuff around here. I certainly will likely continue with the above mentioned projects, as well as Wolf River Phone and the never ending hackfest that is, but I’m going to do all this without it being some kind of planned action; that is to say, not like it’s some kind of “I have to do this before 2022 or else” like I might have in the past.
Once the new year does come, however, I’ll hope to at least kick the year off with a solid start and, hopefully, be able to keep up the energy in writing. More smaller articles, perhaps, combined with better planning all around, both to help productivity and to prevent burnout. It’s a skill set I’ve never really grasped, and among a great many personal improvements I’m going to make that a goal in the upcoming year.
Indeed, my relative silence here and (for the past month and a half or so) elsewhere online is actually a testament to how good I’m feeling and is a product of efforts to cut out people, places, or things in my life which cause me any negative feelings, where reasonable to do so. More on that in the future… oh, I’ve got so much that I truly want to write about regarding the nature of the internet, social media, and mental health, but that will come in due time.
We’re coming out of the darkness and into the light and with a new year comes a new chance to return to enjoying the very art of writing, among so many other things.
If things continue as they have been, 2022 will be a pretty kick ass year. Let’s see what happens.