Tonight is the night. After a small test run at the end of last month with me touching on something a bit more serious and possibly controversial, I’m feeling good about moving forward with the changes and additions I want to make to this blog. Re categorization is one thing, but to touch on completely new subjects which I’ve previously held back on discussing (like theology, cults, darker history, etc) while also maintaining my writing about otherwise mundane or absurd topics like gaming, well, it’s going to result in quite the interesting experience for anyone stumbling across this site.
Xadara has, at its core, always been about what I wish to discuss. I’ve held back previously as a matter of courtesy, but at this stage in my life I no longer see a reason to hide how I feel about a great many subjects. I’m not a “one trick pony” who only has experience in one pop culture phenomena; no, I’ve got an incredibly diverse range of interests and spend far more time contemplating those subjects than I likely should. I’m passionate about a great many things, and I feel, while there is always more to learn, I’m well enough educated on these subjects to be able to be a part of the broader conversation. My interest in more trivial things such as gaming, animation, internet comedy, what have you, has no bearing on the value of my opinions on more serious topics such as politics, religion, science, what have you.
This isn’t caused by excessive ego — this is me having confidence enough and enough self worth to know I shouldn’t hide my thoughts; It would be a disservice to those who may find value in my words to not put them publicly.
To that end, tonight is planned to be the night begin the final phase of getting things in order, and expressing myself as much as I feel is right. There’s no holding back. Xadara is returning, this time as what it always should have been.
Let’s do this.