As I perpetually work on getting back into the groove of writing, I thought it might be nice to put out a simple, straightforward update on the state of every writing project (referred to as “Article Series”) which I’ve been working on. At least, the current state in so far as I’m planning things — the situation could always change.
In any case, let’s begin.
Angry Video Game Nerd Episode Reviews
These are most certainly continuing. My main cause for stopping recently has been the fact that the next episode to be covered, Seaman, is a big one and I want to be in a writing mood when I cover it. As such it’s been put off for a while until the right time.
King of The Hill Episode Reviews
On hiatus again. Likely not going to be continued, unless I really change the way I approach them. In my goal of going a bit more short form with my entries, I’ll have to heavily condense any kind of TV show review, and as such KoTH reviews are taking a back seat as I refine my writing style.
An American Look at The BBC Computer Literacy Project
In case I didn’t mention this before, this is long dead. There is simply too much to go over that’s way too bland to make for interesting writing. Years ago I could have worked with it, but at this stage? Forget it. That doesn’t mean I won’t talk about the computer scene across the pond, but I most certainly won’t make an entire series about just that one aspect of it.
Now Playing
My “what I’m currently playing” article series is likely not to come back in its original form — it was really just filler content anyway and, given how the past two an a half years have been for me and the limited rate at which I game now, really isn’t something I’m likely to focus on, in favor of other, more important writing projects.
Game Player’s GameTapes
These will be finished up eventually. They aren’t going anywhere and so, when I feel the urge, I plan on knocking out the remaining few of these. Pretty straightforward entries honestly, just ones I don’t place priority on.
Xadara Video Game Reviews (XVGR)
Ah yes, I tried with such energy in the fall of 2020 to start these up, and then let them slip into obscurity. Barring a minor change to the format I intend on continuing these and making them a more steady series.
Games with Gold
Bloody deader than dead. Did you not see my last entry?
Computer Chronicles
I rather have fun watching the series, and there are, of course, a ton of episodes I haven’t written companion articles to. I certainly intend to get back to these entries soon, and continue sharing my own thoughts, opinions, or insights and experiences with the subjects in the series. In fact, look for some related content related to Computer Chronicles being published soon.
And that’s really all I can think of. I certainly intend to continue to cover historic events and possibly some current events where they may be of interest to me, but otherwise “news” type stuff is right out — I’m done trying to be a one-man army covering such things just to get clicks. It’s not fucking worth it.
What is worth it is focusing on other creative projects and, when I’m feeling spicy, articulating my stance on a subject that I find, in a most general sense, absurd to one degree or another. Snark will most certainly stay at a 10 out of 10 here, but I’ll keep it in check with other content, as I have before.
I feel Xadara will finally become what it always was supposed to be — just my little space online to be myself. If you don’t like it, well, tough.
More to come, as always.
P.S. — I’ll likely be working on updating the overall navigation of the site following the publication of this post, so if things seem broken, well, that’s why.