A short while ago I made the decision to finally leave Triberr, a blog focused social sharing platform which I’ve used for around about 10 years now to share my content, and the content of others, quite easily and effectively, primarily via Twitter.
Via this platform I was easily able to aggregate not only my post but those of my friend Prince Watercress for regular sharing, as he did with my posts, and things were pretty good. Honestly, superb for the majority of that time.
Then came the Twitter API changes of early 2023. The long and the short of it became that instead of a free API being able to handle things easily, requiring limited action from any given user, we were now pushed into a situation of having to make our own Application via the newer Twitter/X API for personal use and link that into Triberr. Not an impossible task, but one that annoyed me to have to do. It reached a point that, with my apathy and limited blogging over the past few years I just let it go. No more sharing for me, but hey, at least my content was being imported, right?
Wrong. For an unrelated reason that I’ve not bothered to figure out, my posts stopped being imported about a month and a half ago, meaning my Triberr page was completely stagnant. The platform had, in effect, become useless to me — nothing new was being pushed, and I couldn’t share anything anyway, be it my own content or that of others, in any easy way.
It was at this point I realized I was probably done with the platform and just now decided to leave. The archive of old posts, some of which were now deleted, wasn’t worth keeping around and the account had no practical value moving forward, so there was really nothing to be lost in all practicality — just memories of fun times writing and sharing content.
So, as for sharing, it’s back to manual posting to Twitter / X after i write something. Yeah, the API changes even ruined automatic sharing from WordPress itself, via the Jetpack plugin, so everything is back to the way it was for me in the earliest days of me blogging in earnest.
Maybe, in the long run, it’s for the better. I feel more free not worrying about the appeal of an entry on such a sharing service as Triberr: that is to say, I feel like I can just write for fun again like how I originally did a decade ago. This isn’t a business, this is just a hobby, and I’d like to get back to really just having fun with it.
Perhaps, in the long run, this will be a good thing. I may not get the reach I once did, or the views, but I can make that up in time. I have to have the content first (after all, content is king) and then the hits will come again.
See you on the flip side Triberr. I do hope you survive the Twitter changes and the exodus many users like myself have had from you. You’re a good platform. You just aren’t what I need in my digitial life anymore.
More to come, as always.