The last time I actually sat my lazy ass down and write an AVGN episode review was August 20th 2021. It’s been a whole 2 years, and in that time we’ve had 17 new AVGN episodes release, putting the series at a total of 211 episodes counting the upcoming Halloween episode. Actually more like 213 if you take all 3 parts of episode 200 as individual entries. I can say, thankfully, James not having much time anymore means I may actually be able to catch up in the upcoming year!

Anyway, yeah, stuff’s been happening. For some reason I’ve kept putting them off and putting them off, but I think it’s finally time I get back to it. Episode 136, Seaman, is the next one up, which means there”s only 76 (or 78) left to actually be covered currently. I’m still past the halfway point in existing reviews vs episodes produced, and very quickly will be coming up to Paperboy, which is an episode I actually wrote about here when it was new back in 2016! Things will have come full circle.
I must stress again that I am fully aware of how absolutely idiotic the idea of reviewing the series is — that’s the entire point! It’s such an absurd concept as to be humorous for me to take seriously, in the same way I’d review other media. It’s because I really enjoy the series, the character, the idea: even if episodes over the past few years have been mostly average, with some being absolutely terrible, it’s still Angry Video Game Nerd, and it always has at least some way of making me smile.

To be fair, it’s gotten a little better recently now that Screenwave… Retroware.. whatever… we know them in the Truth community as “the slobs” — are not as involved as they were, and while there’s still some things that will I will never understand why anyone thought were a good idea, and James most certainly isn’t able to put in the effort he once did, it’s still a series that I enjoy. Yeah, it’s stupid. Yeah, older episodes were better. Sure, seeing a 40+ year old man make shit jokes while talking about random 30 year old video games is ridiculous, but that’s the idea: It was one thing for the Nerd character to be a 25 year old complaining about 15 year old Nintendo games, it’s a whole other thing when it’s a middle aged man doing it! It’s the character, that’s the real charm. That and absurdist comedy which I greatly enjoy.
But yeah, I’m going to try to get to pushing out episodes again soon. Also, I’m considering changing thumbnails on the episodes to images from said episode, just to give some variety when looking at them all indexed together. Shouldn’t take too long.
Speaking of indexes, I really should update the episode review page. I’ll add that to my notes.
Right, with that said, I think I’ll relax and plan to get back into the AVGN groove. About damn time.