One Inane Task Down, a Dozen More to Go. Also, Fuck The Algorithm.

I finally made time over the weekend to finish up the long-outstanding task of making individual thumbnails to every one of my Angry Video Game Nerd episode reviews. Yes, all 140 of them currently written.

Tedious would describe the task. It’s one I started a little while back, stopped working on for months, and then finally came back to yesterday as I realized I needed to get it done as I finally begin the long overdue process of making things a bit more spiffy around here. Or at least, I tell myself that’s the goal.

Blogging in 2024 is an outright pain in the ass. The precious algorithms which run just about every last fucking website anyone uses to consume media seem to really not want to share such content like they used to — if it isn’t a short form video of someone shaking their tits or pantomiming to some shitty remix of a stupid song then as far as the modern web is concerned it can go to hell.

It doesn’t help that when Muskrat bought X/Twitter he killed any reasonable usage of it for bulk content sharing (without, you know, having to pay) thus killing one of the best ways I could have my content seen and share the content of others — Triberr. Oh, how I miss it, but I couldn’t get the X API to work for me (I know, I’m stupid and / or lazy) and thus it became more trouble than it was worth. Even if I were to get it going, it wouldn’t matter if most other people didn’t, as they still wouldn’t be able to share my content. It was a lose-lose that kind of killed my reach.

To be fair, I could self promote and advertise more, but that’s not my style. That being said, I do share content in spurts and often get nowhere because, again, the damned algorithm.

I mean, I get it, the way people use the internet has changed yet again and blogs are even deader than they were before but goddamnit, I know people out there still consume information via textual means — they want what I and other bloggers provide, but it’s like the system actively hides it from those who should see it. Who would want to see it.

If that’s the case then the algorithm isn’t actually helping anyone — it’s trying to tell people what to like which, sure, we all know is the case, but it isn’t what the tech, in the most broad sense, of a system designed to figure out what users want to see and to promote it to them, is supposed to do.

It’s… just frustrating. Very frustrating. I guess I just needed to vent.

Anyway, fuck Musk.

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