Always Some Kind Of Shit Going On

I’m making this quick because I just want to step away from the internet for a while — this post is coming after a somewhat rough week, with the end capped off by a quite shocking celebrity death (one I intended to write about in place of this entry) followed by, as best we know, some jerkass shooting at a former President.

I have strong opinions here, both on the former President in question, the current political state of the nation, and so much more…. stuff I’ve mostly only shared on X/Twitter, but not so much here.

That pretty much needs to change. As I continue pushing forward and asserting myself this year and, given the way the world is right now, my hand is pretty much forced in me touching on more serious stuff that I, for some reason, simultaneously want to write about but also wish to avoid. There’s no winning, and sure, I could make a separate space for that but it just doesn’t feel right to do such — plus I’m fucking lazy.

So, yeah… on the events of this afternoon I’m going to wait for details to more concrete before I make major commentary regarding such, and then, if I can find the energy, I may follow up with some articles expressing and supporting my overall political stance, both domestically and globally.

Finding a way to healthily mix that with me just having fun talking about old games, movies, and shit like that, well that’s going to be the annoying thing… but whatever, I’ll make it work. I have before.

I don’t like where any of this is heading, though. I can say that much with absolute certainty.

Updated: July 13, 2024 — 6:43 PM

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