The (Slight) Re-Googlization Of Xadara

So, a month ago I killed all the Google related code I could find on this site (beyond YouTube embeds) in an effort to separate myself from a company I generally am not a fan of. Sadly, I’ve once again had a bit of a change of mind and have restored a very limited set of typical Google services (basic metrics and advertisements) because, as much as I’d like to avoid needing such, I feel like they were genuinely impacting the actual viability of the site.

It’s complicated, but to make things short, I found myself missing the metrics provided by Google Analytics, and while I would prefer not to run ads on the site, I figured, to be completely honest, if I was about to get into writing more, shall we say, reaction triggering content, I should at least try to skim pennies where I can. People are going to hate what I say anyway, I might as well make money while they get offended at me expressing myself in my own space, right?

So, yeah, I fully admit I sacrificed some of my values here. That’s just the way the internet is now, and I’m honestly not convinced that removing analytics and ads doesn’t hurt the display of a site in search results, so, I’m just hedging my bets, as it were.

Yeah, I’m a sell out. Don’t bother yelling at me, I’m already yelling at myself.

Now to figure out how in the fuck I can get Bing to index the site again. I do everything the site says and nothing works. Maybe I’m just doing it wrong. Actually that’s probably it. I make far more mistakes than I let on with many of my hobbies, but doesn’t everyone?

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