Yeah, MAGA, You All Are Fucking Weird.

In a very odd case of me touching on something while it’s still burning hot in the social consciousness, I’m taking this chance to say that the MAGA Cult (both the movement in general as well as its individual members) are, indeed, weird. Very weird. Like, when we call you a cult it’s not being hyperbolic kind of weird.

I’d prefer to use the phrase “absolutely fucking mental” but weird will suffice.

It’s weird how you worship Donald Trump. It’s weird how you ignore his lies, his crimes, his lack of morality, his arrogance, his greed, or any kind of critical analyses of him and treat him like some kind of messiah.

It’s weird how obsessed you all are about what goes on in the private lives of people you will never meet.

It’s weird how you throw out baseless accusations about everyone and everything you hate, but cannot stand for actual facts and historic record to be brought up against you.

It’s weird how much you deny base reality and facts.

It’s weird how obsessed you claim to be with personal liberty, all while you want to limit the liberty of everyone who doesn’t live exactly as you do and believe exactly as you do.

It’s weird how absolutely against education you are.

It’s weird how against religious freedom you actually are.

It’s weird how you claim to be persecuted while you work to persecute others.

It’s weird how MAGA politicians seem to spend more time on twitter complaining than doing actual work in their government positions.

It’s weird how absolutely hypocritical you all seem to be about basically everything you claim to be against.

It’s weird how you think you can do all this and people won’t notice.

It’s weird how you think you can lie to the faces of people who are, let’s face it, smarter than you and think we won’t see the lies for what they are.

It’s weird that you’ll wear a stupid giant pad on your ears in symbolic respect for a man who wasn’t even shot.

That all is just what immediately comes to mind as I write this. There’s so much more and the fact that you are all getting so upset over being called weird is absolutely fucking hilarious because yes, you are weird.

You want to control. To dominate. To take away liberty while simultaneously claiming you are all about freedom. The record clearly shows this to not be the case, and yet you still push such, and for some reason people still fall for these lies, the manipulation, the spectacle of an overgrown manchild who only cares about himself.

Yeah. MAGA, you are fucking weird.

Get over it, and while you’re doing that just go back to the cave you crawled out of and let civilization progress without your abject villainy tainting the future.

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