Final Zone BBS is Ready for Prime-Time

Over the past few months I’ve been conducting what is basically a live-fire test of Citadel as the software of choice for my Bulletin Board System, Final Zone, and I’m honestly quite happy with the results.

While it took some time to work out several kinks — a slightly buggy in-built text mode client, setting up a proper SSH account for secure shell access to the text client, and some minor issues with the web-cit http layer – I’ve managed to solve, I think, everything I found to be something I wanted to change that was within my power and skill to change.

What I have in Final Zone is now a broad scope bulletin board system, accessible via telnet and ssh, as well as via any reasonably modern web browser, via https or https depending on your preferences. This is all running on the Citadel groupware software package which, was originally designed and still is at its core a bulletin board system package based around a straightforward text interface. All substance, no flash, the focus is communication, the sharing of ideas and opinions. A place to escape from the hell that is social media.

That’s a good summary of everything, I think. Testing is done, the board is ready to be advertised and logged on to by users new and old alike.

That being said, if you happen to be curious, telnet to and enjoy!

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