Mocking A Science Denying Spouse Abusing Felon For The Hell Of It.

The other week I had the wild idea to go on and do a live reaction to a Kent Hovind video. I had tried this before but hated the results, but something about this one, as rough as it was to do, felt right, and as such, I shared it with Atheist Junior and his community to wonderful feedback.

Yep. Pushing aside my anxiety, ignoring my own self consciousness about my slight speech impediment and my tendency to ramble and lose my train of thought, I produced nearly 2 hours of my raw and mostly unfiltered thoughts on the fly to what was then his most recent “Whack an Atheist” video.

In the spirit of his stupid series, I decided to call my video “Whack a Hovind” because turnabout is fair play, after all.

As I said, feedback was wonderful. By that I mean there was plenty of positive reaction but also constructive criticism (something you rarely actually see online) from people wishing for me to improve my work; something I appreciate tremendously.

Following that, I decided to do another video, and that one didn’t go so well. I feel my commentary was good, but the actual video is, in effect, cursed — There were issues with the raw recordings and, when I tried to work around those issues, things only got worse — something I didn’t even realize until after the video was already up. After a re-edit and re-render some issues still showed and I just let it be.

Critical problems aside, many still liked the video, but some found it interesting that I didn’t know the subject of the original video at all — apparently they are a big YouTube creator and since I don’t tend to pay attention to such they went under my radar. Beyond that, I had Hovind at 1.5x speed in my recording because, one, we all know his script, he just repeats himself to no end and two, he’s one of the most annoying people online to listen to speak for an hour plus.

Sadly not everyone has their ear trained to listen to speech going at that speed and they found it hard to listen to, which I completely understand. Future work will have him at a slower speed. Again, this was good feedback — some viewers found the speed to be a problem, they let me know they felt that way and, most importantly, why they felt that way, and suggested improvement without being judgemental. The best way to give feedback! Massive props to them.

This past Sunday I was going to do a third video because, surprisingly, I still felt like I had it in me and when I went to pick out a new video I happened to catch him live. I recorded for 10 minutes, continuing to mock it as I felt and just had fun, tossed that online, and that’s been the end of that so far from the creative side of things.

It’s at this point the Hovindites begin to find my content and leave their stupid comments. For some reason they think everything and anything relating to Kent needs to be a debate about Evolution (it doesn’t) and get mad when I talk about him as a person… in my video where I choose to talk about him as a person. That’s like getting mad at a guy who likes to play basketball for shooting hoops in his own driveway.

As I write this the Hovindite comments continue, with poor quality bait being an understatement if describing them. It’s all the same crap, thinking everything needs to be about the already well debunked lies he says about science and reality and can’t be just about milking this lolcow for everything he’s worth.

Kent Hovind is a fucking scumbag, and many of us simply don’t like him as a person. Period. Regardless of his viewpoints on religion, the universe, science, etc, he is demonstrably not “good” by any reasonable measure. Get the fuck over it, because the more he and others act like he’s some kind of “good, godly man” the more I and others will remind the world of just what his actual history, and his current actions.

Go to jail, Kent.

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