The Acolyte Won’t Be Getting A Second Season. Good.

I’ve been neglecting this site a bit in my recent wave of YouTube activity, but I’m back now for the oh so delicious news we’ve all been waiting for: The Acolyte is canceled. Yep, no season 2, no follow up on the cliffhangers they left on, nothing, and I couldn’t be happier for Star Wars.

The Acolyte was shit. 180 million dollars of shit. Some elements that could have worked placed into a mediocre story with mostly terrible actors delivering garbage lines telling a story that is more broken than a goddamned Tie Fighter careening through an asteroid field.

Di$ney, somewhere down the line, realized that maybe, for once, they should actually listen to the fans, and thankfully took the show out back and got rid of it Old Yeller style. Granted, they didn’t do this while the garbage was running — they had to at least see if it could recoup costs, I guess — but the fact that those involved in this disaster have lost their chance to continue it just makes my icy cold heart warm up.

There may actually still be a chance for decent Star Wars content if, and only if Disney gets off its ass, realizes this identity politics bullshit doesn’t make for good media and actually gets people who give a flying fuck about all these properties involved once again in actually writing stories for these properties. It’s not a hard concept to understand, but it seems the media hellscape is having to learn this lesson the hard way.

Personally, I’d be happy to see Disney cease to exist, but if their coffers can actually go back to funding even remotely decent products, as opposed to whatever the fuck we’ve been getting off and on the past decade, then maybe, just maybe, I’ll actually give a damn about something coming down the pipe.

Right now, however, I really can’t give a fuck. All I know is, that piece of shit show isn’t getting a second season and I’m happy.

Oh, by the way, Amandla…. “we so bored don’t fuck with your shitty show, now your show got fucking canceled.”

Yeah, it wasn’t your show, it was Harvey Weinstein’s personal assistant’s show, but you got so upset when people gave episode 3 the thrashing it deserved and you made that stupid ass video that, well, I just have to point this out.

The show sucked. Get the fuck over it.

Updated: August 20, 2024 — 7:53 PM

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