Here we have what is probably one of the most famous Angry Video Game Nerd episodes – Silver Surfer.
This has to be one of the most difficult games on the NES. That simple. The game is simply unforgiving, and that aspect is the focus of the episode right from the start. It seems like every aspect of Silver Surfer was put in specifically to make the game hard – the fire button being one shot per press, the waves upon waves of enemies, the fact that you can barely even get close to some things without your character getting damaged, and the fact that the game runs on the “get hit and you’re dead” rule makes it perfect fodder for the Nerd, and James plays well to this one.

Silver Surfer is quite the intense game.
Comedy comes strong on this one as a direct reaction to the frustration caused by trying to even complete a single level. Anyone who has gotten frustrated trying to play a game in their childhood can, and will, relate to the frustration here. It’s certainly genuine in this video.
Funny, there really isn’t much to say about this one other than the above. It’s 11 minutes of pure frustration for the Nerd, but comedy gold for us!

All you do is die die die die die!
Final Rating: 4.5/5
The episode is hilarious. That simple. While I’ve watched it more than enough times to be used to the jokes in it, I still recall how hilarious it was the first time I saw it, to see such familiar reactions to a game that, while I had never played it, I could see was above average difficulty. It really connects to those of us who had that one game we really wanted to complete, but never could because it was simply not forgiving.
It’s a classic, pure and simple.
Once again I’m providing the original and “higher quality” uploads, since the HQ one for Silver Surfer, like Ghostbusters, has improper black levels set. Also, yes, the whole episode is yellow as a side effect of James failing to white balance his footage. Hey, mistakes happen!