Time for what is considered another classic Angry Video Game Nerd episode, we have James reviewing Die Hard for the NES.
Now would be a good time to mention that, for some reason, I’ve still not watched the film Die Hard! I know enough about it though to know what’s going on in the game, and the references that James is making (give or take) in the episode.

It doesn’t look like too bad of a game, honestly.
This one follows the standard Nerd formula of (after a rather unique aside discussing the games title and cover art) starting off as a more straightforward review before going into more absurdities and the typical profanity-laden rants about what he would rather do than deal with the problems in the game. James does spend a good bit of time explaining the basic principles of the game which, honestly, looks like it could be pretty fun to play. The problems in the game though, namely just how unforgiving it is, certainly look like they would be frustrating and make it difficult to enjoy.
By the end, James is throwing in references to the TV show Family Matters (it makes sense, trust me) and finally acts out what I can presume is the ending of the film in another example of James taking a simple video game review and turning it into something special. We’ll just put it that way. That absurdity is why people grew to like the show, and why a decade later these reviews are still popular.

Yippie Ki-yay motherfucker!
Final Rating: 4.0/5
Another funny, but solid review. James clearly took this one as another chance to have some fun, with how the ending plays out, but in his review he clearly seemed to really care about describing the game in more detail than some others he’s touched on recently. Still, the episode doesn’t drag on, with jokes well timed, and a rewarding ending with that classic Cinemassacre feel.