I’ve spent some time the past few weeks changing out the locations of a great many images here on Xadara, moving them from sub-folders on the site into the main WordPress image gallery. This is, of course, something you would think I would have just done anyway – it’s how most people run WordPress based […]
I Had To Re-Enable Mandatory HTTPS On Xadara. I Hate It.
Just as the title says, I’ve had to re-enable mandatory HTTPS on this website. I didn’t want to, I’d rather have let the site be reasonably accessible from older computers lacking modern encryption, but at this stage, given how things are with the internet on a whole this just wasn’t feasible. The problem I was […]
There Is A Logic To Everything
What’s Coming For October 2020 On Xadara
October 2020 Xbox Live Games With Gold
Well damn, it’s about time Microsoft realized that maybe, just maybe, October is the perfect month to have a lineup of games that fit with a spooky, scary, or otherwise “Halloween” theme. Let’s dive right in. On the Xbox One we have Slayaway Camp: Butcher’s Cut and Maid of Sker. Okay, Slayaway Camp doesn’t look […]
Introducing Final Zone BBS
For the past few months I’ve spent an incredible amount of time working on my own bulletin board system, or BBS. That’s right, a major project I’ve spent many days on has been my own implementation of an otherwise obsolete online communications method and it’s been one of the most fun things I’ve worked on […]
I Tried To Preorder An Xbox Series S – That Went Down Like A Lead Balloon
Don’t Underplay Microsoft’s Acquisition Of Bethesda
The big news topic right now in gaming is Microsoft announcing this morning the purchase of ZeniMax Media and, by virtue of this purchase their acquisition of Bethesda, among some other smaller studios. Make no mistake, this is a major play on Microsoft’s part. Many, however, are wanting to treat this like it’s nothing special […]
Why I’ve Chosen To Get The Xbox Series S
Sorry PlayStation Fans, Twitter Likes Only Matter For, Well, Twitter
What a case of deja-vu: I feel like I wrote an article virtually identical to this one back in January. Oh, wait, that’s because I did. That’s right, the PlayStation fan base is already on the absurdity of somehow using social media reaction to judge something being better, or otherwise more liked on a whole […]
A Return To Bulletin Board Systems
A few years ago I got bit by the “BBS” bug – a phenomena among some of us in the vintage technology scene to hunt down and experience the pre-internet culture of Bulletin Board Systems. Contrary to popular belief, these services are still alive and well in the 21st century, albeit adapted for and living […]
The Xbox Series X And Xbox Series S: So Much To Say, So Little Time
The Most Pointless Email YouTube Has Ever Sent Me
I got an email yesterday evening from YouTube regarding their partner program and some upcoming changes to it — the long and the short of it is they will no longer be allowing people to pre-sign the contract associated with the program; you’ll have to wait until you meet their stupid threshold to monetize before […]
The Xbox Series S Reveal Trailer
After waking up early this morning to learn of the announcement of the Xbox Series S’s existence it should come as no surprise that Microsoft put out a video today promoting the upcoming hardware. It’s quite a nice looking piece, to say the least – I’ve rather enjoyed the style that Microsoft has been promoting […]
Xbox Series S Rumors Confirmed – An Interesting Play On Microsoft’s Part
While I haven’t been paying as close attention as one would think to the upcoming release of new Xbox and PlayStation hardware (blame work and the toxic nature of the online community for that one) I had been active enough to notice people discussing a product mentioned on Xbox gift cards and the like described […]