Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 102: The Making of an Angry Video Game Nerd Episode – Episode Review

Welcome to Season 6 of The Angry Video Game Nerd. At this time James was still getting production of the movie underway, and this time period, the late half of 2011, would mark a final spurt of Nerd episodes before a 6 month break as filming of The Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie would […]

YouTube, Microsoft, And Sony Are Limiting Connection Speeds To Help Conserve Bandwidth

With many people being forced to stay home during this pandemic the overall infrastructure of the internet is being somewhat taxed by far more people than normal using it for video watching, gaming, teleconferencing, what have you, at any given time. While the overall infrastructure seems like it can handle the overall load the fact […]

No, Online Gaming Is Not “The Biggest Threat To Internet Bandwidth” In The Coming Weeks

The vilification of gaming in the media is never ending, and even now, during the Coronavirus Pandemic and the often mandatory quarantines being enacted around the world, news outlets out there are still trying to find ways to attack gamers and their hobby as the source of some kind of problem — in this case, […]

It Looks Like I Was Right About The PlayStation 5 Backward Compatibility Rumors

Yes, I’m going to take this opportunity to gloat. After months of people constantly throwing out a rumor that the PlayStation 5 would “play every PlayStation game ever” Sony announced today, among other things about the system, that it would not be backwards compatible with anything but, apparently, the “top 100 PlayStation 4 games” and […]

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Frontier? (Or, Another WordPress Theme Change)

As you might have noticed, things look very, very different around here. That’s because I found a new theme I liked — this one going by the name of “Pen” and amazingly, for all its raw power, complex code, and beauty it’s free (with some premium options, of course.) To say the previous theme, Frontier, […]