No, The Xbox Series X And PlayStation 5 Won’t Cost $1000

Next up on the absurd rumors surrounding the upcoming consoles from Microsoft and Sony, we have the price question on launch – a pretty big question for early adopters and, historically, a factor which can actually set the course for sales rates on a given system compared to another — people are likely to buy […]

Reactions To The PlayStation 5 Logo Reveal Show Just How Pathetic Gaming Culture Has Become

Yesterday Sony decided to show at least something related to the upcoming PlayStation 5 console by showing us…. The logo for the console. Okay, that’s fine. We have an official logo to use in media. Great. Awesome. Time to move on with my day and oh, this is being talked about.. quite a bit… by […]

This Type Of Classic Gaming Elitism Needs To Stop

nintendo, nes, n64, xbox, games

I know, I’m late to this one. I’ve been busy but didn’t want to let this one go by without saying my peace on the subject. A week and a half ago Mike Matei (of Cinemassacre fame) posted a tweet which became a pretty “hot take” for a while regarding the use of “rewind” features […]

No, The PlayStation 5 Won’t Play Every PlayStation Game Ever.

This rumor has been circulation for quite a few months now, but it really got into gear this past weekend when an article was published on (yes, a comic book website… what they are doing covering games is beyond me) saying that, based on speculation from some guy called “HipHopGamer” (someone I’ve never heard […]

A Week Of Transition

Here we are, the final day or so of 2019. While I’m not one to get into the whole “new years resolution” thing (mostly due to the arbitrary nature of years, more on that in the future maybe (joke not intended)) I am one to take the opportunity of such an event to shake things […]

The Darkest Part Of Every “Apocalypse” Scare – The Scams And Lies

Today happens to be December 21st. Many of you may recall back in 2012 (that’s 7 years ago now) everyone was talking about this whole “Mayan Apocalypse” thing, as one of their calendars happened to end on that date. Well, it actually didn’t, as it was misinterpreted, and the Mayan calendar naturally had beginning and […]