About YouTube Removing Automatic Post Sharing…

Another thing of note in YouTube’s never ending “let’s try things, then change those things, then remove those things a few years later” pattern over the past decade is the removal of automatic post sharing. Strictly in this case sharing to Twitter and Google+ (which quite honestly I think were the only two options left) […]

About YouTube Killing Off Annotations…

Back on January 15th YouTube finally killed off the annotations feature completely on all videos. This came about a year and a half after YouTube ended the ability to create and edit annotations in any form, rendering those existing on videos as “stuck” so to speak, and not allowing any newly uploaded videos to take […]



It would appear my birthday has come around again, which means another chance for me to post some kind of introspective article that I can look back to in a year and think “oh, okay, I wrote that. Cool.” In all seriousness, I do enjoy the chance to reflect from year to year, and without […]

The Legendary “1984” Commercial

You would be hard pressed to find someone who really cares about computer history, or that of Apple, who isn’t aware of the “1984” commercial announcing the Macintosh. Directed by Ridley Scott (of Alien fame) the commercial depicts a dystopian future where a “Big Brother” figure, displayed on a massive screen, talks to a mass […]

This Post Brought To You Buy A Dead Graphics Card

Nothing lasts forever. Things break down over time, and inevitably everything needs to be replaced. This is something most people grow to accept pretty early in life, but no matter how used to this fact you get, it still sucks when something does fail, especially unexpectedly. In this case, as the title suggests, the graphics […]

Some Hosting Improvements, And Site Consolidation – An Update

Time for yet another update – this time one regarding all my projects, of which Xadara is really the only one that has been going steady. To make a long story short, January has been a pretty productive month, albeit with some challenges, for me and hosting. On New Years Day I discovered why the […]

I Replaced My First PlayStation 4 HDMI Port The Other Day

In case you didn’t know, PlayStation 4 consoles, mainly the original series but this is still somewhat true with the Slimline models, have incredibly fragile HDMI ports. While no HDMI port will withstand deliberate attempts to break it, PlayStation 4 ports seem to break far more readily than most any other console in the past […]