It’s finally time to get things back in action here.
Tag: blogging
15 Years of Xadara
The Return Of The Only Articles I’ve Ever Deleted From This Site
New Look, Same Great Taste! (Or, How To Update Your Websites Look Without Really Trying)
If you’ve visited the site before, you know I like to update the look of things from time to time. That’s common – everyone does that, be it an individual and one of their social media accounts or a business completely rebranding itself (like Intel did recently.) In my case, I wanted to freshen up […]
What’s Coming For September 2020 On Xadara
Whats Coming For July 2020 On Xadara
It’s Backlog Week
What Xadara Is, And What It Isn’t
What’s Coming For April 2020 On Xadara
We’re in quite a unique time in history, what with the whole Coronavirus situation and how that’s affecting life for most everyone on Earth in some way. That being said, most people are trying to, in one way or another, keep things pretty normal in their lives during this, and that’s no exception here on […]
For The Love Of Music
It’s Good To Be Back
The Only Articles I Truly Regret Writing
If you’re any kind of creative individual you will likely relate to the fact that, inevitably, something you create will become something you wind up regretting. It’s extremely rare for anyone who makes anything to not have at least something they feel was a mistake, wasn’t good as it was released, or otherwise simply doesn’t […]