Guess who just found out they have email’s dating back 15 years? Yeah, me. I took some of the little free time I’ve had in the past few days to clean out all of my email archives. I’ve been letting things build up for too long, and am wanting now to take a pro-active role […]
Tag: email
Dissecting a 419 Scam
People Get Offended Over A Microsoft DeadRising 4 Email!
As an Xbox gamer, this is an email I actually received, and thought not much of it: The email, entitled “GGGGGRRRAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH” somehow, in some way, offended people! Okay, more correctly, apparently there was a version that used the text “NNNNNGGGGHHHHAAAAAA” In either case this is an innocuous advert for a zombie game which just happens […]