Tag: gaming

Villordsutch V.S. Top Hat Gaming Man – YouTube Retrogaming Drama At Its Finest!

I’ve been letting this one run its course before I tossed out my comments, but in thinking about it this is something that I just have to weigh in on, given how deeply it’s tied into the very nature of YouTube, and the Retrogaming scene. I love giving social commentary, so this is about as […]

“Useful To Boot” – The Anthem For Obsolete Technology

A few months back while browsing YouTube, I found a video of a segment from the game “Sam & Max” where the two titular characters are in a support group style meeting for obsolete electronics. The group, known as the Computer Obsolescence Prevention Society, or C.O.P.S is a quirky little group, made up of an […]

Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 31: Bugs Bunny’s Birthday Blowout – Episode Review

Time for another episode in the same style as Spider-Man or the 2006 Halloween episodes – this one is another one split between gameplay footage and a review, and some live action storytelling with James and his friend Mike Matei. In this case, the game being covered is “Bugs Bunny’s Birthday Blowout,” a game released […]

The 2018 Plans Of Prince Watercress

Time for something completely different in my “what’s to come” kinds of entries. Instead of talking about my plans, I’m instead going to, by request, discuss what my friend Prince Watercress has planned for 2018. Yes, he actually requested that I write this article to help promote what he does. People who follow what I […]

Why I’m Not Buying An Xbox One X – For Now, Anyway

Today, November 7th, marks the release day for the Xbox One X, a console I’ve been waiting years for. Specification wise, the machine is a powerhouse, to be sure – currently, it’s the “most powerful” game console available, and honestly I want it. That simple. I want to go out and buy one today. Well, […]