Tag: retail

We May Finally Be Coming To The Beginning Of The End Of the Compact Disc

The Compact Disc, commonly known simply as “CD, the primary distribution method of music over the past nearly 30 years, is on its way out. This isn’t anything new to anyone – digital music sales have been climbing over the past decade, and now well surpass sales of physical media on a whole. The CD, […]

The First Black Friday I Didn’t Have To Work In Years

Today was the day after Thanksgiving, a day well known here in the States, as well as other countries, as “Black Friday”, traditionally the day that the holiday season properly begins. While this traditional identity is a complete load, with seasonal items and music being present as early as late October in some situations, this […]

The Internet Doesn’t Understand The Toys-R-Us Bankruptcy

A few days ago, it was announced that Toys R Us was filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The internet flipped their shit over it. Within an hour of the announcement, memes already started flooding twitter and facebook saying “RIP Toys R US”, “RIP Geoffrey” and general reactions of “oh no it’s closing” mostly from people […]

HHGregg Is Closing All 220 Stores – This Doesn’t Surprise Me

Home technology store chain HHGregg is closing all of its 220 stores after failing to find a buyer for the now-struggling company. It’s the usual case of a business going into the red financially and filing chapter 11 bankruptcy to try to liquidate all its assets, pay its debts, and maybe restructure and get back […]

The NES Classic Is Back In Stock? (Yes, Yes It Is)

UPDATE: apparently YES, the item has been on the shelves today, as of the day of me writing this. Talk about being late to post! https://www.xadara.com/the-nes-classic-edition-is-back-in-stores-and-its-still-rare Among the more interesting gaming rumors that have crossed my radar the past few weeks is one saying that the NES Classic Edition is going to make its way […]