Tag: Website

Google Chrome, SSL, WordPress, and Hostgator – Or, How To Waste An Evening Accomplishing Nothing

I consider myself a moderately tech savvy person. I’m not some kind of expert, but I manage to keep this website up and running. I understand in general what’s going on, the logic of a PHP database and other things, at least far enough to keep things functioning here. So, when I got the news […]

Photobucket, You Just Don’t Get It, Do You?


I can’t tell if it’s intentionally them avoiding the issue, or if they are truly that stupid that they don’t understand the hate they are getting, but Photobucket is seriously not actually saying anything on what people are giving them hell for. To capitalize on this, they posted this link on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/photobucket/photos/a.10150566349440632.667777.52045600631/10158873616505632/?type=3&permPage=1 […]