For once, YouTube actually did something good.
Tag: YouTube
I Just Can’t Do The Online Gaming Discussion Scene Anymore
I’ve been thinking quite a bit recently about my time in the online gaming scene — especially the past 2 or 3 years — and I’ve come to realize I simply can’t do it anymore. The scene has become virtually nothing but a might-makes-right popularity contest where passion, knowledge, and logic mean nothing — do […]
Time now for a bit of unscheduled comedy. I got an alert that the program which manages my graphics card had an update. I, naturally, began to install this update and was surprised at how slowly it was actually downloading – at something more akin to 56K dial up than any proper form of broadband. […]
The “Archive Of Hate” – A Collection Of Social Media Negativity Over The Past Half Decade
YouTube, Microsoft, And Sony Are Limiting Connection Speeds To Help Conserve Bandwidth
With many people being forced to stay home during this pandemic the overall infrastructure of the internet is being somewhat taxed by far more people than normal using it for video watching, gaming, teleconferencing, what have you, at any given time. While the overall infrastructure seems like it can handle the overall load the fact […]
Blocked For A Reason – 2020 Edition
Back in early 2016 I wrote an article titled “Blocked for a Reason.” The article covered the subject of blocking people on social media – in simple form, the reason behind such (at least for me) and what it actually means when that event happens. I thought it would be good, since it’s been nearly […]
I Think I Misjudged The YouTube / COPPA Situation
YouTube Changed Their API. Again. This Broke Video Downloads. Again.
I really don’t much like YouTube anymore. I haven’t for years now, but it, like Google, is one of those necessary evils in the digital life of most everyone. I’ll fully admit it’s where a majority of the video content I watch originates, but that’s simply because everyone puts their content there, and I watch […]
Making Time For Myself For Once | Escaping Social Media
Updating AVGN Episode Reviews, And More – An Update
Goodbye YouTube
Yes, I know it’s quite the dramatic title. Figured I’d use tactics that were common on YouTube to get some extra attention to this article — more than it already would get naturally. “Play their game” as they say. The other night I finally committed to a decision I had been considering for some time […]
Another Adpocalypse? Cry Me A River.
Apparently, in the YouTube scene, we’re going through another “Adpocalypse” — a situation on YouTube where advertising revenue takes a dive because advertisers got pissed about something some big YouTube content creator did and YouTube decides to be more strict on what content can actually be monetized on the site. For those keeping track, this […]
YouTube Is Still Showing Me Channels I’ve Unsubscribed From In My Feed – A Follow Up
Back in July of 2018 I wrote an article (YouTube Is *Still* Showing Me Channels I’ve Unsubscribed From In My Subscription Feed) discussing YouTube showing channels I’ve unsubscribed to in my subscription feed – a problem that many seem to have. I can presume others are having this issue, anyway, for one simple reason: the […]
An Update On The GameAnyone Situation
A few days ago I shared the strange discovery my friend Prince Watercress made in that a game walkthrough / let’s play sharing site known as “GameAnyone” apparently has a tactic of making “fake” accounts for various content creators, auto publishing content they create or share to the platform without that content creators consent. Note: […]
About YouTube Removing Automatic Post Sharing…
Another thing of note in YouTube’s never ending “let’s try things, then change those things, then remove those things a few years later” pattern over the past decade is the removal of automatic post sharing. Strictly in this case sharing to Twitter and Google+ (which quite honestly I think were the only two options left) […]