Tag: YouTube

About YouTube Killing Off Annotations…

Back on January 15th YouTube finally killed off the annotations feature completely on all videos. This came about a year and a half after YouTube ended the ability to create and edit annotations in any form, rendering those existing on videos as “stuck” so to speak, and not allowing any newly uploaded videos to take […]

YouTube Is Back Up. That Only Took A Solid Hour And In That Time The Internet Had A Field Day!

After well over an hour of being down effectively globally, YouTube is back up and running as… er, well… as ever. While I’ve not yet seen any info on what the cause of the issue was, it does look like it was resolved, so we can all go back to watching whatever absurd junk we […]

Hey Google, Ya Mind Not Letting YouTube Go Down For Damn Near Everyone?

It’s not every day that one of the top visited websites in the world seems to go down for most everyone, but when it does, it’s kind of incredible. In this case, as I type these words it’s 8:30 in the evening central time and YouTube has decided to go down. Well, not completely, you […]

The Bank Login Scam – Part 3 – Identifying The Scammers

Here we have the finale of Jim Browning’s “Bank Login Scam” video series. In part one he showed from his end one of these scams in action and was successfully able to bait the scammer into installing a remote access tool into their computer giving Jim access to the scammer’s machine. In part two, Jim […]

YouTube Is *Still* Showing Me Channels I’ve Unsubscribed From In My Subscription Feed

In an article I wrote back in April, titled “I’m Quite Certain YouTube Is Re-Subbing Me To Channels I’ve Unsubscribed To!” I discussed that YouTube was showing in my subscription feed channels which I was certain I’ve unsubscribed to. Well, it’s still happening. I’m not just sure it’s happening this time, I *know* it is […]

I’m Quite Certain YouTube Is Re-Subbing Me To Channels I’ve Unsubscribed To!

So, we all know how YouTube has been, apparently, stealthily unsubscribing people from various channels over the past few years. This is a pretty well documented trend that is quite the annoyance for most users of the site, especially when compounded with how the site now no longer seems to wish to show people some, or […]

The Aftermath Of YouTube Retrogaming Drama – Villordsutch & Top Hat Gaming Man

So, a few days ago I covered the drama on YouTube surrounding 2 British retrogamers, Villordsutch and Top Hat Gaming Man. The basic story goes like this – Top Hat Gaming Man used footage from Villordsutch without permission, and (intentionally or not) edited it to hide most traces of Villordsutch’s name from the video, not […]