I generally try not to get too political here, but given that 2020 has been one hell of a year on virtually all fronts I figured now is as good a time as any to just kind of let loose with what I’ve been wanting to say on this subject.
That is, the way the “right” in America are taking the obvious electoral win by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is, quite simply, pathetic and beyond childish. They cry claims of fraud and tout conspiracy after conspiracy with no evidence, all while the rest of the nation, even including many of those politicians on the right, fully acknowledge that this was a by the books election that, in many ways, was one of the most secure in our nations history!
Nope, to them it’s all lies, all “fake news” and other shit. You know, these same people who believed every stupid conspiracy anyone has ever touted think they have really stumbled onto something, all while demonstrating they have no fucking clue how the process even works since right after polls closed and numbers came in the second the mail in votes came in they were crying foul and that counting should stop.
Why, because president carrot began losing at that point? You know why, right? Because, by a strange coincidence of actually valuing reality and fact, many on the left mailed in votes and those take longer to be tallied, so as the votes get counted the number of Democratic votes increases by quite a bit compared to the number of Republican votes. People wanted to avoid the risk of contracting Covid-19 by mailing in their ballots and, since it’s people on the left who are taking the virus far more seriously than those on the right, well, it only makes sense then that most of the votes coming in by mail would be from people on the left.
There was a joke I heard on a live call in show I was watching just yesterday — a person said “Biden has team ready with a plan for Covid-19, Trump has a team with Covid-19″ (or something to that effect) and I found it incredibly amusing because it’s not just true, but it so perfectly illustrates how the different political sides of the nation, for the most part, are taking the situation, and how much of an absolute fucking shit show the past year has truly been, among 4 years of incredible stupidity from a 70 something year old man who has the behavioral tendencies of an 8 year old.
While the numbers aren’t final, our crazy ass system, the Electoral College, is pretty well refined in how it works — even if it seems ass backwards at times. As it stands, though, the numbers don’t lie – Biden has more than enough states. The votes that still need to be counted generally, from what I can tell, wouldn’t change things one way or the other in most, if not all areas, meaning this race is pretty much over — all logic (which is a big thing to ask of many Trump supporters to even have) says that Biden has indeed won as per the rules of the Presidential Election process in the United States of America.
Yet the right still cries, threatens law suits, demands pointless recounts, and points to some kind of dark plan working to steal the election. It’s of course all bullshit, but when babies don’t get their way they are want to make up stories like that — anything to get out of trouble, one could say. They didn’t lose, they were robbed of victory. Sounds just like “you can’t fire me, I quit” if you ask me.
Recall 4 years ago, when Trump won against Clinton. What did we on the left do? Sure, we got pissed, but we didn’t claim it was complete bullshit and that the election was full of outright fraud. Sure, there was the whole “Russia” issue, but that (this is important now) had actual evidence to back it up and even then it still wasn’t made as big an issue as all these outright fairy tales being made up by people who just can’t realize that, by some fucking miracle the worst president in history didn’t win a second term.
The fact he still got so many votes, however, is terrifying, and truly shows the absolutely fucked up core of America. I assure those of you reading internationally that I am not cut from that same cloth. Far from it. I still, however, will always take a level of pride in being American, in so far as the nation has done some awesome things, can do more in the future and hopefully will get its shit together sooner, rather than later.
I don’t write this to shit on the right wing either — not directly. I, in fact, hold some views that many would consider “conservative” in some ways, mostly more in how the American right was 50 years ago as opposed to today — what the GOP is now is theocratic insanity, to say the least. I certainly overall fall far more on the far left than anything else, but I know where to apply reason to things. My point is I focus on an issue-per-issue basis, but when someone ticks all the wrong boxes, well, are you going to expect me to at all approve of them? No, you wouldn’t, I don’t think, but the thing to consider is that I have though about the issues, in most cases clearly far more than the extremely vocal right and their “Million MAGA March” of like 10,000 people all spreading Covid to one another, all while claiming the system is rigged…
There. I feel better, but before I go, one more thing.
Donald Trump, you fucking lost. Quit being an overgrown child, acknowledge defeat and try to leave the White House with some goddamned dignity. For once in your miserable life, try to actually be a decent human being.
Lastly, for those of you who can’t understand why he is so disliked, it isn’t because of him “winning” or whatever crap you think. Have you tried, you know, actually asking someone who dislikes him, general GOP policy, and the like, why? I do mean actually listening, too, not just replying with “derrr socialism” rhetoric and the like because oh boy, I could write a novel on that bullshit.

So when you say deal with it, are you meaning like how the left took the Hillary loss? By standing in the streets crying and screaming “Noooooooooo!” Do we handle it like the left did for the last 4 years? Are you suggesting that we burn buildings and businesses down? If so is conservatives are new to this whole riot thing, do we start with Walmart’s or gas stations first?
Are you going to fucking deal with it, if Trump pulls a win out of this?
When I say deal with it, I mean as the article states to accept factual reality and stop making up reasons as to why this election was somehow fraudulent. It’s a childish reaction, such reality denial, and it demonstrates a severe issue in how many people seem to process facts that they don’t like — they simply don’t, instead rejecting them outright on no real basis, so they must make one up.
Your oversimplification of the lefts reaction to Trumps win in 2016 is quite the over-generalization. I would imagine 4 years of documentation of many pointing out individual policy issues, citing his extremely erratic behavior, and just overall objections to the flow of the modern GOP with often incredible nuance would matter, but I guess not — nope, it’s just the left crying with no context.
As for the assertion that rioting in these past few years has been a direct reaction to Trump, I hate to break it to you, but not only has such been going on since before Trump was elected (and, indeed, in many forms since well before the man was even born) but the recent string of protest (read, the past 6-8 years worth) has been due primarily to a perception that many groups are explicitly targeted and are not treated equally by local governments, law enforcement, what have you.
To blame these events as a reaction to Trump winning in 2016 is factually absurd. It didn’t make things better, that’s for sure, but that’s for a variety of reasons; not explicitly as one dimensional as “Hillary lost we’re mad grrrrr.”
I would also like to point out that while I on a whole disagree with the direction most protests have gone, becoming outright riots filled with looting, arson, and more, I will say this much; the Nation was founded on similar feelings of discontent with the status quo. While the actions taken centuries ago may not seem as extreme, they were still pivotal for change. Now, I’m not comparing random Ted looting a Walmart to the Boston Tea Party — I’m just saying the same drive is there. That being said again I must stress I wish protestors would stick to actually protesting, but I also wish they would gather the facts behind a case before they judge “blue man bad” as I’ve grown to see many cases where the facts simply don’t match what protestors think happened in a given case.
That’s enough on that subject though — to answer your final question “Are you going to fucking deal with it, if Trump pulls a win out of this” Yes, yes I would. I’m not going to cry that Biden was somehow robbed or cite some massive fraud conspiracy with no evidence behind it as reasons to turn the entire process into a shit show.
As I stated in the article, we didn’t in 2016. We didn’t do what masses on the right are in making baseless claims that somehow reality isn’t what it is. We accepted it, but we were pissed about it.
The right, by comparison, seems to be pissed about and refuse to accept it — again, outright denial of reality.
That’s all hypothetical though, as he won’t win. He didn’t win. The numbers to make it happen are effectively in. He lost. Deal with it. To claim there is any chance of him somehow actually being the winner is to, as this whole article points out, assert that something was intentionally done incorrectly this election which, by all evidence, simply is not the case. At all.